October 2021 Art News

Cyanotype, 7 x 7

Shown at Sparrow Gallery as a tribute to Solomon Dubnik, the former Tower Record owner.
This is how it feels to have two major shows at the same time!

Categorized as 2021

Artful Tales – July 2021

As the gallery world begins to open, I am working on my solo show coming up in October at Sparrow Gallery in Sacramento. In addition, I also am very pleased and excited to be showing 6 new pieces at Sue Greewood Fine Arts Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA. I am very busy! Also, Open Studio… Continue reading Artful Tales – July 2021

Categorized as 2021

Artful Tales – March 2021

As an artist, I spend a lot of time by myself in my studio creating art. This past year I learned that although I do spend a lot of time alone, the other part of my life includes interacting with other artists in galleries and shows, lectures, workshops. I never realized how wonderful it is… Continue reading Artful Tales – March 2021

Categorized as 2021